LEGION Simulator Help

About Analysis Objects

There are four types of Analysis Object in LEGION Simulator (if you do not define Analysis Objects, LEGION Simulator assumes you want to analyse the ‘Whole Model’):

  • Analysis Zone – this zone can be rectilinear or polygonal and encloses a defined space within the simulation for analysis. In appearance it resembles a CAD object.
  • Analysis Line – this is a single straight line with a ‘crossing-direction’ indicated by an arrow (you can also specify that Entities crossing in both directions are considered).
  • Analysis Poly-line – this is an angular line consisting of two or more straight lines, each with a ‘crossing direction’ arrow (you can also specify that Entities crossing in both directions are considered).
  • GJT Zone – this zone can be rectilinear or polygonal and encloses a defined space within which Entity activities and their weightings are defined. It is used in the calculation of Generalised Journey Time in areas where the model's global weightings do not apply. For information on using GJT Zones, see Generalised Journey Time Zones
Note: The first three objects in this list also appear in the LEGION Model Builder to enable you to set up Conditions for use with Direction Modifiers.

Analysis Objects are coloured orange to distinguish them from CAD lines and other types of object. The illustration below shows, from left to right, an Analysis Zone, an Analysis Line and an Analysis Poly-line:

Tip: A unique feature of Analysis Zones is that they can be drawn and placed according to 'visibility'. This means that, from a chosen viewpoint (a single point or a defined segment), the shape and extent of an Analysis Zone can be calculated and placed according to how visible an area of your model is from the chosen viewpoint.

This is useful if you want to analyse the impact of signs, information boards, cameras, or advertisements within a site, while taking obstacles and interruptions to sight lines into consideration. An Analysis Zone can be placed that covers just the area within which Entities can view a certain element of the venue, thus honing in on its effectiveness as a source of information and influencer of movement. For more information, see Visibility-based Analysis Zones.